Monday, November 22, 2010

Types of Bravery & Social Codes

DUE my Monday 11/29
Also, read up through chapter 15 by the time you come to class.

Part A:
Looking back over the novel thus far, consider types of bravery you have seen in the novel.
1. List different types and define them.
2. Give at least one example of each type WITH page #s.

Part B:
1. List the various social codes in Maycomb.
2. Describe those who benefit and those who are hindered by them.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Intro and conclusions

Work from a general statement to your thesis...

Authors can use symbols to reflect characters’ behavior or emotional response. Often readers will find a broken-down house that portrays a character’s emotional state. Harsh weather is also frequently used to allude to a character’s sorrow. In The Lord of the Flies...

Write about how civilized behavior is lost as the novel progresses. The symbol’s change is used to intensify our understanding of the boys’ changes.

As The Lord of the Flies progresses, the behavior of the boys changes greatly. The symbols in the story show this change by showing the evolution of the characters’ respect for the object....The symbol’s change is used to intensify our understanding of the boys’ changes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LOTF Paper Assignment

Pick a symbol below and follow its development throughout the novel:
  • Clothing
  • Hair
  • Face paint
  • Fire
  • The beast
  • The conch
  • Spear
  • Piggy's Glasses
1. Cohesiveness and flow of ideas
The objective for this paper is not to come up with some amazing new perspective. You are to simply follow the symbol throughout the novel without summarizing.
2. Thoughtful Concrete Details
You need to select relevant and thought-provoking concrete details.
3. Commentary
This needs to be informative and cohesive. In other words, it needs to connect the CD to your topic sentence and thesis.

STEPS: Post all of these steps on your blog AND bring a hard copy to class.
1. Outline with concrete details (Due Friday Nov 5th)
2. Draft your body paragraphs (Due Wednesday Nov 10th)
3. Add Intro and Conclusion (Due Friday Nov 12)
4. Final draft (Due Monday Nov 15)